The role of the clinical researcher is vital to the advancement of modern medicine. Nearly every treatment and medical device used in any medical specialty has improved through clinical research and clinical trials. Nurses, public health officials and other clinical experts are able to advance their careers by expanding their education with Clinical Research degrees and…
10 Most Affordable Online Nurse-Midwifery Certificates and Degrees
The role of the nurse midwife is as old as the country itself; but, it wasn’t until 1925, when Mary Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in Kentucky, did nurse-midwifery develop a professional status. Over 90% of Nurse-Midwives currently attend patients in hospitals and clinics, but Direct-Entry Midwives (those who work independently of hospitals, clinics and physicians) are practicing in…
The Most Affordable Online Emergency Management Masters Degrees
Disasters and emergencies happen. Hurricanes in New Orleans. Tornadoes in Oklahoma. Potential terrorist attacks. As we’ve seen with Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, natural (or man made), disasters requires quick responses from local, state and federal emergency agencies. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates there are over 10,000 professional Emergency Management directors in the United…
50 Best Paying Nursing Specialties
We all have an image of the nurse at the bedside of a patient, administering medications, adjusting IVs and maybe even fluffing a pillow and straightening a blanket; but, that’s an old fashioned view of the nursing profession. Over the past twenty years, roles and opportunities for those in the nursing field have vastly expanded….
The 25 Top-Paying Healthcare Careers
Written by: Staff Writer Last updated: May 2020 The healthcare field offers many high-paying career paths and stable employment. In addition to paying well, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects certain medical professions to increase by up to 32% from 2018-2028, far outpacing general national job growth projections. Healthcare careers also offer many different…
30 Top Healthcare Careers Requiring a Bachelors Degree
Healthcare may have the fastest growing career opportunities in the United States. Thanks, in part, to the Affordable Care Act, millions of previously uninsured Americans are now able to access care and are doing so in record numbers. Another contributing factor in the growth and stability of healthcare careers comes as the Baby Boomers, born…
Top 30 U.S. Healthcare Careers That Don’t Require A Graduate Degree
Healthcare is big business in the United States. The American Hospital Association reports over 5,000 registered hospitals in the US and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states over 18 million people work in healthcare, with women representing nearly 80% of those employees. But, before you think the majority of healthcare jobs require years of…